I stand by what I said. Anyway, this thread has served it's unusefulness. It will only become ugly if continued. If you want a fight, don't pick me because sure as hell you're going to get it. I'm not the meek & timid kind & I'm done with this topic. Tx for all the feedback, good or not so good. Life goes on...

And just so you know - I said as of late that the instrument you refer to is indeed AWESOME in the right hands. You should go & read my posts more thoroughly before you make comments like these. Don't you dare take what I said out of context. And no need for you to also come & lay your little uncalled for egg over here.

There'll be no more contributions from me on this topic. If Nigel does not lock it, you'll be talking to yourselves from here onwards.

Spalding, we are good. I did not refer to you at all. But this previous "AWESOME" remark is uncalled for & not true at all.

Make sure you'll fly forever!