No Henni. You're uploading songs quicker than I can type!

My remarks were pertaining to the chariots of Fire style where your timing was poor . The style could not hide this obvious fact . I am sorry if my comments come across as harsh . They are not intended to . If you lived in the UK I am certain we could jam and laugh and make music together . But as a fellow musician I would encourage you to do better and not tell you something sounded great if it did not or tell you your work was good when in reality it was not your work .

Your last song where your wife sang was better . You are not an embarrassment to me . My embarrassment was that I had mistakenly assumed you had played at least one part of the original song you started this post with and I was really surprised that you did not actually play any of it . Not even the lead voice . Not even the left hand chord changes . The entire piece was in fact a chopped up midi file that was already chopped up by someone else and all you did was push the buttons in the correct order .

Henni if that's what gets you excited musically then good for you but I assure you the fun has not even started yet ! Wait till you start playing chords and melodies and chord progressions and improvisation in time . You will wet yourself !!

I just think you are hindering your own musical development by letting the instrument do pretty much all the work . You change instruments because you get bored with the styles and sounds and get another one and repeat the cycle .If you ever went to another church having done your style of performance and they just happened to have a keyboard and wanted someone to lead in worship but you could not set up your instrument ,what would you do ? No button pushing but actual playing is required . As a youth I found myself in that position once and determined in my heart that I would learn to play . It was the best decision of my life next to marrying my gorgeous wife ! But don't tell her I said that ......

Edited by spalding1968 (08/05/15 10:40 AM)