Let’s see……another member wrote in a recent post: “The people here are generally reluctant to point out negatives in a performance.”

So why did Henni deserve this crucifixion when other members posted sub-standard demo’s and have been applauded via the “hand’s clapping” or the “thumbs up” icons?

And then you had the member who had two identities but was pardoned because he’s a home town boy.

And the “phony baloney” Korg demo’s (right out of the box) that were posted. Another free pass by loyal fans.

It appears that the local, long time regular members get a free pass and folks like Henni get ripped apart.

Now I really don’t even understand the reasons this happened, what is the plot or the sub-plot? What did he do that was SO bad? I read the posts every day, and don’t remember Henni being viewed as an “outlaw” until now. But he apparently upset someone enough to let the dogs loose on him. Then again, that’s easy enough to do nowadays, ‘cause you can just say your name and offend someone. What happened to tolerance and manners?

Though I never thought much about it, I personally respect what he’s doing down there with the music whether he’s playing a piece of string or a TOTL washboard. Live and let live I say (except when you try and pass off a phony demo).

Is it possible favoritism has permeated this room? That if you’re not a member of the “club,” then you get torn apart by the lions?