1- Is there an internal HD for storage in the Ajamsonic SD7 or do I keep
all my folders of Mp3s, txt files, etc, on a USB thumb-drive
in the KB?.....

>>>AJ:- There is 16GB internal SSD storage. When you press the MEDIA buttons, it's the drive labeled KETRON. You can create a MP3 folder and dump all your MP3s there or create a MIDIFILE folder and do likewise. Just make sure any text or pdf files you want to associate with the MP3 or Midi or wave are also in the same folder.

2- Do I have to
install the Ajamsonic upgrade or is it already inside,or ..?

>>>AJ:- It is already inside (if you got the AJAMSONIC version from Frank as he ordered some of both). To verify if you have the AJAMSONIC version,
* Keyboard should have the AJAMSONIC label above the USB slots and on the back below the SD7
* When you press MEDIA, you will see the AJAMSONIC drive with all the various bonus material already installed.
* When you connect to a monitor, the AJAMSONIC logo is the default logo displayed.

3- When you set up song Registrations how do you link TXT files for each song
for easy access if needed in live play..?

To set up a REGISTRATION effectively,
* Select the style you want to use ... e.g LATIN - Cumbia
* If you want to make any modifications to this style (including it's OTS), you will have to do this and save this style as a USER style then recall this USER style before proceeding. See OTS & USER STYLE below.
* Set the tempo, transpose .. etc
* When satisfied, press the REGIS button to activate the REGISTRATION.
* Press SAVE and chose REGISTRATION to create/save your registration. You can also save the current style as a USER STYLE from this screen.
* Press SAVE AS if you want to give it a unique name (save means save with the default name REGIS_001)
* Now when you name your registration, give it the same name as any text/pdf file you want it to load when it is recalled. Press ENTER on the screen to create the new registration.
* You will notice Bank 1-4 ... so you can create +1000 Registers in each Registration Bank. This done so you can keep all your say wedding registrations in one bank, all your birthday registrations in Bank 2 ...etc.
* To recall at the gig, press the REGIS button once more.
* Scroll down to the REGISTRATION you want to load and press ENTER to load it OR ... Press Num Pad and enter the number corresponding to the Registration you want to load (this becomes useful when you have more than 20 Registrations to sort through .. OR .. (we will soon be adding a keyboard pad to search via typing in the name of the registration too).

*** OTS AND USER STYLE ... (share this on the forum with others) ....
Since on the SD7 you cannot overwrite a factory style or voice, once any changes are made to either of these, you simply press SAVE and save as a USER style or voice.
Remember that the OTS is linked to a style so to modify any OTS, first select the style whose OTS you want to modify.
* Once you have selected the style, then press and hold down the OTS you want to change
* You will be in the voice editor.
* Change as you see fit and SAVE. When you save, this 'new voice' will be saved in the same location it was in before but under USER ... so if this was a Grand Piano you just edited, the new voice will be saved under USER - PIANO -and you will see GRAND Piano.
* Repeat this for all the 4 OTS.
* When done, press SAVE and save the new USER style. This still will remember the new OTS you have associated with it.
* Now to use in a registration, simply recall this style (Remember once you are in the STYLES to press USER styles then the group the style belonged to...e.g. POP), set up and SAVE your REGISTER. At the gig, when you recall this REGISTRATION, it will recall your USER STYLE which in tern will recall the associated OTS that you programmed into it. Everything is linked as you can see so the REGISTRATION doesn't really manage the contents of the style - you do and store as a USER STYLE .. then use that style in a REGISTRATION. The registration will then load that style, any text/pdf file that has the same name as it (and we are expanding this to include any MP3, Midifile or wave that has the same name as the registration too to be loaded as well in the new OS - as is the case with AUDYA!