For once Donny is right....this does belong in The Bar, or even better, nowhere at all.

Originally Posted By: DonM
Chas, if you are suggesting their is racial bias in me, you are dead wrong.

Then you are indeed a unique individual. I wish I could say that.

Originally Posted By: DonM
You immediately rush to put everything on that level.

Not true. Frankly I don't care if it's racial or political; as a 10 yr. veteran who loves his country, I respect the office of the president AND as a proud Black man I view this president as a symbol of the long hard struggle from the 'back of the bus' to the front of Air Force One.

Regarding your 'talking points' above, I've heard it all before (we only get right wing radio down here in beautiful Georgia), in fact, I hear it every single day. It's taught in kindergarten. Not sure where you got your facts but, as an example:
Originally Posted By: DonM
Obama has used more "executive orders" than all other presidents in history combined.

The REAL facts:

Obama --------193 executive orders
George Bush - 291
FDR --------- 3522

For the complete list,

So maybe before you get TOO passionate and TOO angry at the 'Kenyan', I would caution you about using Fox News as a sole source for your 'facts'. Oh, and as for Ben Carson, you are more than welcome to him. It's like trotting out the only slave that fought on the side of the South. Of course, if he ever did win anything, I can guarantee you he would suffer the same fate as all the rest of his predecessors who suddenly became 'too powerful'. Trust me Don, we still have a long way to go in this country. All the ugliness of the past is still just a micron beneath the surface, and all it takes is the tiniest of scratches to bring it to the surface.

As far as getting together with you and Russ, I'd love to, but let's make it in NYC. I've met Russ and we've also communicated a lot via phone and email. He really is a first class individual who is willing to speak up for the underdog, help the needy, put his money where his mouth is, and if it costs him a few friends along the way, so be it. The fact that he also happens to be a very talented musician is merely a bonus.

Soooooo...let's put this thing to bed and get back to making 'sweet, soul music'.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]