Gary I think you need to do much more research on the DJ scene today weddings or otherwise, its an ever growing business involving BIG $$$,... I can't agree with you but, respect your opinion. I've been in the music business performing professionally since I was 14 on stage,....I have changed with the tides as with any business spanning over 45+ years....people change, times, change, trends change, & so does musical tastes, bottom line this is a business, making it successful and profitable is imperative, or it's ends quick. I never understood older performers like ourselves reluctance to change. It's an evolution that cannot be avoided in today's world. It's happened, it's here to stay, and it's going to keep changing everyday, just look all around you. When the day comes when I cannot perform any more in some way I will still be happy too lay back in my recliner and listen to music I enjoy until I draw my last breath with a smile on my face. Meanwhile I do what I can to make a living, share my gift with others and enjoy doing it. And that surly includes doing it way beyond arranger keyboard limitations. Hey at least I woke up this morning and I'm happy about that, got a day off too, going to enjoy it here on the
Jersey Shore even tough the humidity is horrible today YUK.
