Gary, I'm terrified around here when ice develops. A couple of summers ago I was working on my property and backing up I tripped over a wheelbarrow handle. I fell backwards and Knocked my left elbow right out of the socket.

They let me sit around the emergency room for almost 3 hours til after midnight it seems to put me to sleep and jerk it back into the socket. The whole time I had to sit there perfectly still or it would kill me with pain. I had to position it several ways for them to take x-rays. I kept asking for pain pills and finally got one three hours later. They must have had a hot poker game in the back room

A week later another doctor got mad because they didn't tell me to go get an adjustable apparatus put on my elbow, and let me run around with a cloth sling for a week. What a bunch of incompetent "ASSHOLES." I think they all do pot too and think that nothing is wrong with smoking it until their brains burn out.

Then several weeks later the therapist threw a fit and was pissed because the other doctor had me keep the apparatus on way too long and it was harder for her to get my arm back working. It seems to be fine now for quite some time.

Like you said friend, this getting old ain't for wimps and sissies. Hang in there friend it all takes time. Keep your senses, cut down on the "T" Bone and Pork chops they are too expensive and eat hamburgers and Poke Chops not Pork chops because they are cheaper.

Man it's a lot of stress when you're use to an income and it disappears. At least it will be a temporary lost hopefully and I know you're strong and can handle this. You're a tough old fart. Hang in there and I wish you the best. Oh and remember lean on your wife. You know that she is in the top three with Susan and Penny. All the others have to star in 4th place. Ha ha!
Take care buddy.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!