BrickBoo, Sounds like you have a basic understanding but knowing what to play over a chord is not as important as what to play over a progression. Turn letters into words, notes to phrases.

Back to the ii, V7, I (Dm, G7, CMaj) progression...a very basic and ubiquitous progression in many, many pieces. When you see these 3 chords aligned like this you can play a CMaj scale over the entire progression paying attention to starting and ending notes. Start the Dm chord on a F, A, or C; the 3rd, 5th, or 7th of Dm yet still in the CMaj scale. As the I or CMaj comes end on an E or B (3rd, 7th) and hear the color of each.

Eventually this will lead to the understanding of using a harmonic minor scale over a half-diminished ii, V7, i (ie; d dim, G7,c min).

Now you are creating jazz words or phrases. Learn the words and sentences will soon follow.

Eventually you'll know a Dominant 7th chord can be played with a Mixolydian (or 5th of the major) scale.

We studied Charlie Parker's Omni Book to see some interesting "licks" over certain chords and progressions.

I'd suggest buying Jamey Aebersold's Vol. 3 & Vol. 54, especially the Vol. 3. An entire scale syllabus is in each.

As I right this I think it's impossible to "teach" a language on a forum post but hopefully you can get some direction and begin the never ending journey to playing lucid jazz words, sentences, & paragraphs!!

I've spent the past year moving from trumpet to the arranger and building my repertoire. It's a lot of new learning. My next project is to record a good sampling and post to my coming web page. As with anything its one step at a time. I know its easy to preach but harder to walk the walk. I do not pretend to be the best at anything but I know my music and improv receives praises from fellow musicians (very important to me) and my audiences.

To me it's a work of love. Good Luck with your journey.

BTW: Tony, Thanks for the kind words.......appreciated.

Edited by SpclEd (06/13/13 07:47 PM)