this is the reason that i dont know if i agree with James initial premise about the future of arrangers and the supposedly diminishing market.

Not to flog a dead horse on this but....
Now apply your observation to Yamaha and you might understand where I'm coming from.

Yamaha have intentionally allowed the Tyros to be simple to operate by not giving you advanced features in order to sell it to a certain age bracket. The problem with that logic is that the keyboards are not appealing to the younger generation as the keyboards do not offer them the sounds or functions they require. For Yamaha to change and to cater for the younger generation they now have to develop countless new features, and totally alienate their current market. But that will not happen and it's too late. The younger generation will just skip over the Yamaha Arranger and buy one of their Motif's or some other brand. Maybe even a KORG Arranger.

KORG on the other hand have done the complete opposite and their keyboards do come with pretty much everything you get in a workstation. Which is where your observation come in, and untimely verifies what I just said above about Yamaha.

The demise of the arranger was very much so directed at Yamaha.


[This message has been edited by Irishacts (edited 12-26-2010).]