Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
Well, I'll chime in ... I just opened up my S-910, and the voice processor is actually worse than I remembered. I am SO spoiled by the TC unit in my pa800, I might not keep this thing. I have a different plan in mind, so I won't be hasty, but if i played out as much as I used to, I could NEVER use the 910 as a standalone voice processor. The tones are good, the rhythms are what I expected, the keys still feel the same (spongy)... and I can't get it to play any of the MP3 files that my Korg plays ... I guess I have to actually READ the darn book for change Grrrrr!

Head to head:

Sound: edge Korg
rhythms: edge Yamaha
speaker power: edge Korg
vocal effects: edge Korg
O/S: edge Yamaha

Nothing has changed between these two powerhouses since I was more active on the zone a few years ago. I WANT to like this 910, but I have my standards to think of ( voice ). I'll post more after I actually use the darn thing, but my priority was always vocals first, and the Korg has that nailed. I'll try my standalone VP using the stereo inputs into the s910 and see if the speakers can even handle the power. Fingers crossed.
PC aside - Merry Christmas! (that's what I celebrate, and I love to share the joy I feel!)

You're so insecure!

Bo pen nyang
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