Question is not whether you would BUY a bus to take your kids to school... it's whether you would BUILD one!

I still can't find a better analogy than the kit car... most people don't want to BUILD a car to drive. They want to BUY one already built. they got places to go, people to see, and being stuck in a garage for YEARS (that's how long some of you have had your MS's) before you can go anywhere or see ANYBODY strikes me as ridiculous in the extreme.

I have been collecting VSTi's and sample sets for Akai and Kurzweil for well over ten years. I've got a pretty decent collection. And there is still NOTHING that works as an all-around, go to every time set. For the studio work I do, each song, each project demands different sounds. But an arranger is a one stop shop for sounds. When playing live, either everything you MIGHT want to do is ready to go, or you can't do it!

It is obvious beyond a doubt that everyone SAYING how quick and easy it is is completely unable to back up their words. Or they would have posted long ago.

It is neither...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!