Originally posted by spalding1968:

Dennis i have read somewhere that you wont be doing a A B demo of a style converted and played on the MS. Please reconsider. There will be lots of differences in peoples tastes but if the exact same instruments are used in an AB comparrison then the only margib=n for variance will be the skill of the style converter.

Hi Spalding,

Yes I was considering not worrying about it as Nedim produced and excellent example of what could be done, in a short space of time.

However there is another snag..And one that I thought would be the case, but Norbert(LiveArranger developer) confirmed it for me.

Saving any editing on the LiveArranger is restricted on the demo version. And I have just had word from Dom about the the price of the full licence, and at 149 euros, its just not THAT important to me.

And to do all the work necessary to get a good A/B example up, and NOT be able to save it for my future use, just seems like a total waste of time.

I might just HAVE to get my head around Q-Tractor/Ranger instead....Although it is a LOT different to Sonar I can tell you.

Still with the big external screen option now working on the MS, I think editing will be a lot easier.

The only down side is it will take a LOT longer to get something decent sorted, in amongst the other stuff I am doing....

Sorry, but I cannot see any way around it.

I really do NOT want to spend, what to us out here is approx $275, JUST to provide a comparison demo.
