Originally posted by Diki:
You paid for Yamaha's styles when you paid for your Yamaha arranger. Buying the arranger gave you (and only you) the right to use their styles in any way you choose to (in other words, you can't sell them to others, give them away to others, etc.). You can use them for your own original works, you can use them to perform copyrighted tunes at home for your own personal enjoyment, and if a paid venue has its' license in order, you can perform copyrighted material from other artists live, on a gig.

Although you have the right to copy CD's and DVD's for your own personal use, you have no right to distribute, sell or make other works from the contents of those media. Pretty standard stuff, and all fairly well known to all but those who deliberately choose to NOT find out about it.

I am glad someone has a handle on the issue, here...

but with a dvd i am free when i pay the dvd to play with different dvd players or PC-laptop. but you say here if some one pay his yamaha style he is not allowed to play it with a software that can play the style he most have a arranger from yamaha. you sound like if i pay for a akai sample cd i most have a akai sampler, but i think if you pay the sample cd you are free to play it with a sampler hardware or software that can play the cd. when i pay a style i pay for style creation and not for style format, becouse the style creator is free to produce the same style in different formats.

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 03-15-2010).]