Thing I have always wanted to hear honestly, is not ONLY something decent worth a listen, but also a frank and honest discussion about how long it took them to achieve that result. I'm aware of how high quality VSTi's can take your sound, but I'm also aware of the formidable work it often takes to get those results of the highest caliber. Multiply that by the songload of most gigging arranger players, and you could easily end up with a task that would take so long to complete (before you could even take it out to gig) that most wouldn't attempt it (if they knew in advance).

BTW, ponder this, those of you that consider swiping styles. OK... yes the industry is pretty lax at enforcing their copyright of styles made entirely from MIDI, but the copyright laws and enforcement of those laws is MUCH more stringent, rigid, and easy to prove in court when you are talking AUDIO. Mechanical rights are a whole different thing to MIDI files. Ask any rapper who lifted a sample and didn't clear it...

Ketron pay a FORTUNE for their audio loops, compared to a MIDI file. And it is as stringently copyrighted as any Micheal Jackson hit. Audio has its' own rules, completely different from MIDI.

And, even in the case of styles, Yamaha have been known to go after sites that put up their Premium styles, or sites that disseminate the styles of a brand new arranger while it is still hot on the shelves. If the LiveStyler was able to play the latest Yamaha style formats, and someone actually HAD gone out and cloned a T3 in all its' glory (SA2, Mega and everything ), you honestly think they are going to let that clone take their business?

Dom just shrugs and goes 'I just make the gun and the bullets, I don't actually KILL anyone', but when you see posts from HIM, telling everybody about the ability to play Ketron's loops, he's now telling people HOW to kill people, in effect. And once you can show intent (and a profit reason for disseminating that information) it's a LOT easier to prove intent. Don't think that facilitating copyrighted information has any consequences, ask the guy who invented Napster. They shut him DOWN... (the bisiness he's in now, and what Napster has become is all about NOT copying illegally).

If Dom announced a licensing agreement with Ketron, I would be celebrating it, not trying to take a shot at him (as he thinks it is - if Roland did the same thing, I would be equally critical). But at least I remember the whole furor when he announced the T2 clone project. Two things come to mind. Firstly, it never worked (as do many of his ideas in the real world), and it disappeared off the face of the planet pretty quickly.

I wonder why?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!