Bill, I don't know if this organ is even available in the states. In any case, as much as I like the drawbars, given the weight and price, the Nord C1 would still be my hands-down choice for gigging. For a home instrument, I would probably only consider a real B3.

Ian, I sold my last Hammond when we moved to Hawaii (and bought another 'chopped' one while there). As I've said in previous posts, when I sell the house I currently have on the market, I will purchase the best vintage B3 I can find/afford to put in my rec room. I will also be replacing my Yamaha upright with the best 5-6ft. Grand that I can afford. The small amount of 'jamming' we do, we usually do at the drummers house (one reason I want a DM10 kit for my studio). The ability to carry the C1 under one arm (I'm 6'4", 200lbs) makes moving it a non-hassle. I would still use the C1 to jam with at home, even if I had the B3 (my wife would probably confine the jamming to my studio - she has spent a lifetime stopping the migration of my music 'stuff' to the rest of the house ).

I've gotten quite comfortable with the Nord C1 and never give a thought to using anything else (XK3c, Diversi, KeyB duo, BX3, etc.) for gigging (or even pleasure playing or recording). I'm really a happy camper.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]