I am a Tyros 3 owner - get that up front first. I have been seriously looking at the Korg PA2X and the Korg PA800. I am not unhappy with my Tyros 3 - just going through a time of being bored with the same old thing on a daily basis. I gig almost daily now and perhaps I am just in a rut.

I have had extensive dialogue with very serious Korg owners both new and old - none are sorry for their choices and a few are former Yamaha players. If you want to get the real scoop on the Korgs contact Rob Sharret(SP) over on the Korg forums - not much about them he doesn't know. In fact, I am planning a trip to Greece in October to spend a week with him just to learn all I can about the Korgs.

Well, tonight I played a really fun gig for about 100 folks with my Tyros 3 and Bose Compacts setup and while playing I really had to ask myself - how much better can it really get? Be that as it may - I will probably end up with a Korg just for the variety - not to get something "better" just something different.

I am going through the same ordeal of choosing between the PA2x and the PA800 like you are with the PA800 and the PA500. Not sure which way I will go. (Opinions are welcome.)

Good luck with your decision.
