I do think that the Mac is likely a better OS. The main problem I have is that I have been PC for 25 years, since 1984 and I know the OS. I am at a point in my life where I do not relish learning a new OS. This is the main drawback. I can do everything I want to do on PC, so I tend to ask myself why do I want to suffer through learning a new OS? I am wanting to REDUCE stress.

There are some things the Mac does that I really, really like. But there are two programs that I use on PC that are pretty much "can't do without it" type programs.

I also think that the Mac is very much over priced. Everything is sky high. And that kinda irks me.

Ideally, I would have one machine and that's it. A laptop.

At this time, I am leaning toward using this Mac until Windows 7 comes out and then make a decision. But then there are those who say never buy first generation of a new OS.
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