When is anyone going to admit a difference in needs (or requirements) between simple, short length signal cables for line level gear, and longer run cables for very low level signals (like guitar cords, which is where Monster and other musician oriented cables are primarily marketed)..? If you feel like spending a fortune on cables that outperform your needs, have at it. I've already stated what I use (inexpensive Fender cables for live use), so don't lump me in with this bull.

But it seems, in your zeal to condemn ALL premium cables as unnecessary, some very basic facts are being ignored. There are cables that cost $5. There are cables that cost $25. There are cables that cost $100. There are cables that cost more. Do you use the $5 cables? No? Then there IS a difference. How much is a case of diminishing returns. And that, my friends, is a sliding scale. Not the absolute you are trying to make out. I happen to agree that super high priced 'audiophile' cables aren't really necessary. Unless, of course, you just dropped $100,000 on a sound system, then what does it matter?

There are people on this forum that drop $3000+ on an arranger when they can't even PLAY... A few hundred on a speaker cable doesn't seem so stupid, any more!

Look James, I think YOU missed the point, not me. You CAN'T use coathangers to wire up a sound system (if you could, they would be the best choice for speakers - you'd still have to shield them if they were for signal). You HAVE to use cables. So, the test should be, can you tell the difference between CABLES. Go out and find consistent tests where audiophiles CAN'T tell the difference between cheap cables and more expensive ones. THEN you'd actually have a point. Even Kingfrog doesn't use coathangers

Look, there's a lot of bullsh*t in the marketing of cables. But there IS also a core of truth. Better quality cables DO make a difference. Whether you need that difference (or can hear it) is up to you. Buy the $5 cables... Buy the $25 cables if you hear the difference. Heck, buy the $100 cables if you hear the difference. But don't come here and spout this rubbish that ALL cables are the same (no better than coathangers) unless you actually DO have the $5 cables (or coathangers!)....

Otherwise, to one degree or another, you are all buying into the same premise. That more money means a better product. Look at what you are playing, for Pete's sake!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!