Originally posted by spalding:
The major concern is that all future upgrades and their integration and all bug fixes and all repairs .....lay with the future of Liontracks and its future has to be built on a profitable business model. If this is the last keyboard that you are going to buy then it all depends on liontracks future to survive. something to be aware of.

In this case Spalding I have to disagree with you.

An open keyboard is a combination of programs from many different companies (The number is determined by what YOU put in it) which are combined into one unit interface.
If any open keyboard manufacture went under tomorrow (Hopefully not) then the only thing that would cease is development of the interface, the rest would carry on as normal. (Parts are available off the shelf)
It’s known as not having all your eggs in one basket. (Technics owners know what that’s like)
In addition it is cheaper to buy up the rites to a software development program, rather then a liquidated company.

Yet another advantage of an open system


English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).