
Not all; some (like 75%). The initial videos however did use the new styles predominantly.

What I said was when we developed the new styles for AUDYA (AUDIO and non AUDIO based), we shortened the Intro/Ending 2 and 3 (unlike what we would usually have done) since many had complained our Intro/Ending 2 and 3 were too long and melodic from our previous keyboards. The length of Intro and Endings from USER styles brought over from the SD-series were not changed - the styles were just tweeked to incorporate the new voices and arranger features from AUDYA.

As for the features you request we show, I believe I did cover 75% of them at the Shrevport jam (not sure which ones I left out, but we'll see when the video is out - remember, I had very little time too and this event was structured for a JAM session and not a Workshop/Clinic ~ from which we simply 'borrowed' time to show the AUDYA)? In the forthcoming ARRANGER FIESTAS, I plan on getting deeper into these features once more.

Hope it's clearer now.


[This message has been edited by Ketron_AJ (edited 01-27-2009).]
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.