Originally posted by hammer:
My biggest problem is the turn over of the folks who do the hiring. I play basically senior gigs - will do about 200 of them this year and just about time I get established with a place the AD leaves and I get to start all over with a new person.

I guess my worst gig experience happened about 40 years ago. I got in a car along with 6 other players and 2 other cars, drove from Dallas to Alburque-about 14 hours with trailers-for a gig and when we got there we found out we were a week early. We got paid for the gig and returned the next week and got paid again.


Hammer I hear you on the turn over of ADs, more it's common here where I live as well. Unfortunately 2 ADs who were fans of my performances recently left and as you say time to start over.

Originally posted by mikey_maestro:
Stephen please remember My equipment is here for your needs if yours is not repaired in time for the next gig.

God Bless good Buddy

Mikey many thanks I appreciate the offer! Looks like my Bose has been repaired and is being shipped back to me. Since my office is just a short drive from the repair center I should have it back in plenty of time for this coming Thursday evenings gig.

[This message has been edited by Stephenm52 (edited 12-13-2008).]