Originally posted by Diki:
Who on earth says you have to listen to what is 'popular' at the time...?

"I hate to say it, but many of you have probably forgotten what a pile of whaledreck surrounded the little music that we remember as our favorites from ANY period."

I did and I found mine

''You had to wade through some awful rubbish back then to find the nuggets, and you have to do the same now... But maybe now you haven't the patience, or the inquisitiveness, or the sheer DRIVE to try and find the best of what is around any more..."

I don't have as much patience any more, but I like what I'm listening to.

And that is a sad loss...

The internet has made it easier than it has EVER been to find artists that challenge you, music that surprises you, a new path through the same old changes. But you have to USE IT...

Rather than sit around and woolgather, and reminisce about the 'good old days' that never WERE that good!

what's wrong with "good old days" btw, when you mentioned a terrific piece"A remak you've made" when Zawinul passed away, wasn't that a good old day as well......

SD9, Audya5, Genos, Roland XP60, 2 Yamaha DSR12, 2 Yamaha Sub, 2 Turbosound 2000