Scott sad as it may seem.....may people do not consider any music of today worth diddly squat compared to years ago (Pre Computer age)when you had to really play an instrument versus today's computer driven electronic tunes. Just watch the Grammy's or AMA shows & you'll see what I mean. Many people have totally ZONED out into their own slice of music without even considering what else is out there now that they are so turned off by. The days of a majority of people listening to mostly the same type of music is far gone. Lets face it Regina Specktor & alike will never be as popular to the masses as the "Electric Slide".. sad but true. The most said statement today in music conversations are "THAT'S NOT MUSIC!" when referring to today's songs or So called "Artists". Newer doesn't always mean better. The great older standards & music of the 40/50/60 & 70'S will always be amongst the most popular Music listened to until we're gone & beyond. Lets face it with so many other ways of making music out there competition versus the Pre Computer Age......people have found easier ways & many alternative ways to produce LIVE music instead of taking lessons & being taught by others before them to learn how to play. here lies the BIG problem & this is why we are becoming dinosaurs.

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 05-01-2008).]