Among my favorite albums released this year is Peter Cincotti's " East Of Angel Town ". I've been following Cincotti's music since he first emerged on the scene showcasing jazz-pop standards. "East of Angel Town" released earlier this year marks a sharp departure as they're all Cincotti penned originals, and I believe it's the most creative thing he's released in his string of winning albums. Every song on this album hits a powerful chord and calls upon a wide variety of styles from jazz to funk to classical,. I think this album deserves a grammy. If you haven't heard it yet, please checkout this album. Cincotti's one hell of a keyboard artist and now, a terrific songwriter. Highly recommended. In fact, I'm planning to add a few songs from this album (including " Goodbye Philadephia " to my performance repetoire now.

Ok, I'm really curious to dicover what current songs, recording artists, and/or albums other people on SZ are enjoying and recommend checking out.


[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 04-29-2008).]