192Mb of ROM? This beast will be the new King of un-expanded workstation ROM. Bye-bye to the Motif ES 175Mb of ROM.

With all of those features I see this as a $3000+ board. Sure sounds interesting George. I'm going back and forth and back and forth between the ES, Fantom XR, and Tyros. It's been driving me crazy. And with the ES Rack probably 3 months away that's been on my mind as well.

This new G70 throws a monkey wrench in the whole thing. And since you can add an SRX board this will be killer. The Complete Orchestra board is unbelievable and one of the main reasons I want to buy the Fantom XR and control it with my Technics digital piano. Throw in 192Mb of sounds PLUS styles and this thing is killer. 50Mb of internal storage should be able to support any arranger player's styles and SMFs, WITH video.

Thanks for the information. I'll probably buy a workstation/arranger within the next ten years!
