I'd like to throw one piece of advice out on a take it or leave it basis:

I used to work at a music store and I sold Peavey and JBL speakers among others. One of our senior sound engineers setup a demonstration one day: he setup Peavey's best speaker cabinet at the time (a 15/horn, I don't remember the model) and JBL's cheapest in the same cabinet size with a 31-band EQ and frequency analyzer. He challenged us to EQ the cabinets for a nearly-flat response. It took a radical EQ setting to get this from the Peavey, and nearly no EQ to get it from the JBL. The point was that it was much easier to get a balanced response from JBL's than Peaveys - that's why JBL's are more expensive. I later did this same test with my Bose 801's and JBL EON's, which prompted me to switch to the EON's. This isn't something you can tell just by listening, and it's especially important for keyboardists because without a balanced frequency response you will have some notes "stick out" while others won't be heard. It also makes in difference when trying to solve mic feedback problems.

All I'm suggesting is to see if you can duplicate this test yourself with any speakers you are considering.
Jim Eshleman