probably not much help as my laptop was only windows 98 and the driver I was trying to install was for a Yamaha Clavinova.

My laptop was functioning perfectly with my kn7000. Then I bought my Clavinova I installed the driver. Couldn't get it to work. I uninstalled my KN7 setup, driver etc. and I'm 99% sure that when I reinstalled the driver for the Clavinova , it worked.
It was more important for me to have the KN7 connected via usb to the laptop, than it was the Clavinova, so I can only assume I removed the yamaha usb driver and reinstalled the kn7.
I ended up connecting the Clavinova to the laptop via a serial cable & cbx driver.

I checked my old win 98 laptop. My kn7 software is still in there but I can't see any of the Clavinova software , which leads me to beleive I took it out for a good reason.

This all happened over 18 months ago , so memory is a bit sketchy.

I don't think I ever got round to trying to install both drivers into my current xp laptop, only the usb driver for the clav.

I don't understand the differences between the operating systems of win98 & xp, so what happened to me, may be of no relavence.

One thing though, I'm not terribly good with computers, but I don't give up easily, so I would have tried all sorts of scenario's installing & uninstalling the drivers. Hopefully it was just my lack of knowledge and that xp will work with both drivers installed.

best wishes
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022