Originally posted by Diki:

There IS still a demand for live music, but it is nowhere near the level of the 20's and 30's...

Seriously, Diki, who could even afford a grammophone player in the 20's and 30's. Also, musicians weren't paid what they're paid nowadays. In fact, musicians weren't held in high esteem and were pretty low on the social ladder. One only has to look at the great classical composers. If it weren't for wealthty sponsors they'd all have lived like paupers. Quite a few did, in fact. Even doctors were a poor lot once but that's a different story.

Times have changed and live entertainment doesn't come cheap. People no longer just want a singer or a band. They want a show with special effects, etc. It takes an entire airplane just for the equipment and quite a few of the stars' demands are outrageous. Give them the wrong mineral water and they go beserk. Perhaps a little thought on how hard African-American artists had it not too long ago might make them realize how little they're into it for the music. It's all money they seem to care for.

Still, canned music will never come over the same way as live entertainment. Not even a Live recording will. So what if they can your performance. How often do you think they'll have to play it before the audience gets sick of hearing it. A 'live' musican/band will give variety. And if they ever can my playing...I'd be honored. Gosh, I wish my time in the elevator will come some day!

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