Do you honestly think Roland, Yamaha, Korg or ANY legitimate keyboard manufacturer are going to sit around while Lionstracs condone blatant piracy because they are incapable of developing their own sounds?

The price of development of these sounds is included in the price of the hardware keyboard they reside in, which makes them VERY expensive sounds...! And Lionstracs think they are going to get to use them for free?

I am afraid their attitude (well, WE didn't sample them, we just give them away on our site!) is typical of the fly-by-night practices of much of the pirate industry. And the potential for litigation tying up this small company's capital, and bringing a halt to further R&D (and the absurd promise of free updates forever!) seems high. This is NOT a path any company that expect confidence from it's customers really ought to walk down.

The big three probably spend more on just sound development per year than Lionstracs' entire budget. And apparently Lionstracs think that unless they pirate these sounds (or condone and facilitate it), they cannot do business (or else, why are they going here?)...

This is not the business model to inspire confidence (one good lawsuit will shut them down), and if is the ethics of this company, well, 'free updates forever' sounds more and more like hype, doesn't it?

If you can't compete, STEAL your competition's work? For shame...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!