Originally posted by Scottyee:
Frankly, I'd never rely solely on 'built into the keyboard' speakers alone to provide sound for any of MY paying gig performances. My clients deserve better

Well, now, I guess that's aimed at me, huh?

Scott - just because YOU don't play any situations where the lack of gear is more appropriate, please don't presume to tell anyone that I'm not giving my clients everything they deserve. Believe me - they get way more than their money's worth when they book a party with me. Top notch entertainment with state of the art gear and class performances. size does NOT always matter. Sometimes it's WRONG.

My clients deserve what they pay me to offer. My judgment is worth as much as each note I sing, so let's not make it a shouting match about gear, cuz you'll loose. You're a nice guy, but still a rookie when we compare years in the trenches, so lets not go head to head on this.

In fairness - I agree that a larger 3 way system probably does sound better than a built in system, and I rarely use JUST the kb speakers without any reinforcement, but when I do .... you can bet that the end result is EXACTLY what is called for in that situation. Musicians for centuries have been labeled as "playing too loud," dressing sloppily, taking too many breaks, etc....
This is one way I've found to erase part of the damage that my predecessors have laid out before me. Small is definitely called for MANY, MANY times in my year.

Maybe it's time to move all this Tyros talk to the Yamaha forum ...... it's starting to overpower the conversations ! That way - you'll ALL agree.
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