
Previously, I primarily utilized custom registrations files, but over the last year (or so), to provide a more spontaneous performance, switched instead, to calling up songs from a customized Music Finder database, playing 'on the fly', while utilizing the OTS (1-4) button presets.

I ALWAYS keep the LEFT voice turned "ON" because I believe playing left hand full chords (including rhythmic comping, fills & arpegios) an IMPORTANT aspect to creating a more impressively live sounding arranger keyboard performance.

For most playing situations, utilizing my Custom Registration workaround setup to freeze the LEFT voice (Acoustic Grand Piano) works fine, but there are often situations which I would have appreciated the ability to call up songs from the Music Finder and have the OTS presets not only automatically load the LEFT voice, but turn it ON as well. Any possibility of at least having this added (perhaps in Tyros II?) as a USER OPTION?

Steve, as long as I'm making requests, I continue to PRESS my request for enhancing the Music Finder feature to bring it too its MAXIMUM POTENTIAL. To start with, I strongly suggest that the song's 'KEY TRANSPOSE' setting be added.

Also, adding the ability for a MFD song record to call up (link to) a Registration Bank file, would provide many other important keyboard settings included in REGISTRATION, but not included in OTS.

In addition, link to styles & registrations located not only in the keyboard's USER area, but in the keyboard's hard drive and/or external storage device as well. If this isn't possible, than INCREASING the Tyros USER area storage capacity from the currently existing 3.3 MB, to 10 MB+, would allow us to utilize FAR MORE custom styles via the Music Finder. Because my keyboard's USER area memory has long ago been filled to capacity (with custom styles), I'm having to continuely delete many good exisiting 'custom styles' just to accomodate room for newer ones.

Thanks for listening.


[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 02-01-2005).]