Originally posted by Roel:
Scott : Because of all effort Ketron put into the RLCR on YOUR request .... not going to purchase an SD1 ?????

Hi Roel: I am (of course) very happy that Sandro is implementing the RLCR (rootless chord recognition) I requested. But PLEASE understand that my request was not for some esoteric feature added for my benefit only. MANY pro keyboardists play these type of chords. I think Sandro (Ketron) realizes that adding RLCR will only help expand the potential SD1 market to include more jazz influenced keyboard players as well. Afterall, both Yamaha AND Technics have been supporting this exact same RLCR in their keyboards for quite some time now.

As I have reiterated here many times, I am still VERY interested in purchasing the SD1. I think its' styles (from hearing Notlos' demos and the style samples you sent me) are one of the most impressive and realistic sounding I've heard. I did have a brief moment to play it at the NAMM show way back in January but unfortunately not enough time (10 minutes?) to make such a major purchasing decision.

I know that purchasing the SD1 (at least for me) will involve some risk. First of all, I realize now that I probably will NEVER have the opportunity to audition one BEFORE purchase because there is not one in my local area (within 300 miles) to try out. Secondly, if warranty work is ever needed, I will have to ship it back to Bell Solton in New York (or possibily(?) if I'm lucky) an authorized Solton repair center in Southern California). Either way, this means being without the keyboard for at least a week (or two?!. This could prove disasterous, especially if I had a critical gig which required the use of that specific keyboard. I 'might' be willing to put up with these risks (am I a gambler?!) to gain the exciting SD1 sounds/styles, but the other issues highlighted on this thread are other legitimate concerns which need to be seriously considered (weighed) as well.

That being said, I'm still considering the SD1, but I must be assured that it will perform reliably (no freezing) and be relatively easy to master (which I assume means, at the minimum, having a decent operating manual). Dreamer may be right, that I should be patient and give Solton (Ketron) at least 4 months to work the bugs out first.

In the meantime, Gunnar, MANY thanks to you for taking the time to both test out the SD1 and share your findings here as well. I'm also looking forward to hearing your feedback & findings on the Technics KN6500 as well. Gunnar, 'home user' or 'pro', your opinions count. BTW, Technics has also been responsive to customers needs. In the early days of the KN5000, I had spotted a couple of OS errors and Technics was quick to fix them.

This forum is simply terrific (Thanks Nigel) and I thank the many wonderful people here for taking the time to express divergent opinions. The internet is truly a great place where we all have FREEDOM of expression!

- Scott