I'm anxiously awaiting your honest evalution of the SD1 after you have a chance to spend a few days with it. As you all know, I am SERIOUSLY considering purchasing the SD1 myself. I am particularly interested in your evaluation because BOTH you and I are current Technics KN5000 keyboard fans & owners. It will be particularly interesting to hear your comments in DIRECT comparison with the KN5000 (as well as how the SD1 compares with the KN6500), which I remember you saying you plan to evaluate soon afterwards as well.

I can only say that I am envious of you guys in Europe who not only have convenient access to many of these top of the line arranger KBs (and even in the SAME store too - WOW), but to have the oppportunity to take one home on loan to evaluate as well really blows me away. Here in California (San Francisco Bay area), I can't find a single store that has a Solton SD1, Yamaha 9000pro, or VA7 to try out. Interesting considering the huge population (over 7 million) and large musician base here.

Looking forward to hearing your 'follow up' feedback on the SD1 as well as your evaluation of the KN6500 compared to the KN5000.
- Scott