Lots of stuff for me to reply to...nothing negative. If anything a bit of my music past will spring into this in relation to what spalding posted. Kinda cool stuff I think. Just not right now.

One quick thing about this " pissing " contest...I dint mean for it to come off that way, just in a topic that I removed ( cause I have a habit of clearing the old when I post something new as to not flood the boards )...I was told that " my recordings were horrid crap and the worst thing this year " ( not exact quote ). So I reacted to that a bit LOL I dont think ive got the best stuff ever...but outright just to trash everything with nothing but bad intent was a bit much. Then my next topic I get much the same thing...while the names of people I directed the song to and the fact I stated I would post more keyboard driven stuff was ignored.

Anyhow ( with no attitude ) back to spalding. I think its really cool you play for a church and in part it was a musician much like you that got me into playing piano. As the church I went to almost always had a grand on stage that would be played for our hymns, after sermons sometimes I would have the chance to talk to the player and sometimes even play the grand! Many people we knew at that time had uprights in their house that I could play whenever I happened to be at one of their houses. Just lots of stuff...this lead up to me getting a keyboard from my parents ( little monophonic digital casio...one that would have dots bounce around the lcd keyboard screen to show the melody lines ). Then had one of those Magnus reed organs with the casio hahaha and at the time there used to be children's books that would have a little keyboard pasted to them and you could read the story and play notes on it so that was mixed in with everything. Beyond that throughout childhood...just had lots of instruments many toys, some perhaps with more merit then toys, and it all progressed to " real " instruments as time went on. Oh random childhood hero of mine was Paul Schaffer from the David letterman show ( forgive name spelling ) hahaha and to this day he is still one of the coolest key players to me regardless of what I happen to do.

So spalding...odds are a kid in your church REALLY digs what you do, so if ever you have a kid come up to you...treat them how you would want to be treated if your places were flipped ( only I think you know and have prob done this already ).

Guess this kinda goes back ( for me ) what these boards have to offer me...people like Mr. D and their love of the new Casio line brings me nostalgia and something to blah blah blah about. The players here that do shows for retirement homes...I respect that and love the fact someone is doing it. My grandfather passed away just over a year ago...and I know the music he loved brought him some comfort in his last days at the hospital ( my mother and I sung him Hank Williams songs best we could...cause it was really hard as we knew his time on this earth wasn't long ).

Perhaps I haven't let on that I do have a level of respect for members here...and to be honest part of the reason I haven't directly shown it is cause I feel sometimes words I offer and music I post up is ignored taken for granted or just disrespected. I have as much in common with members here as I dont...in many ways I might even be a counter point to what many members goals and ambitions are. Just with that I feel the things we dont have in common at times can be of use to members here, cause not to be any sort of way only sometimes I think " Man if they combined the stuff they do...with some of the stuff I focus on they would do some badass stuff " maybe that works in reverse or maybe Im a jerk for thinking such things.