"1) What arranger do you use?"

Only use them for portability reasons and sometimes to catch random ideas. Used to ( and know thats not what you asked ) use PSR550 just the direct to disc recording got old. Past that use a PSR293 ( a little guy I know ) what can I say. Outside of that not as literal minded of what makes an arranger as some around here.

"2) How do you incorporate styles and or multiple instruments into your music?"

Beyond play them dont really know what to say or needs to be said. But for the literal minds...its not exactly hard to split/layer multi voices across a keyboard. I mean when you have 4/8/16 zones on a board you can setup however you want you can kinda do whatever you want.

"3) Do you perform in any paying venues?"

I always hate this question, cause for the most part it comes from those that think " arts worthless unless the artist gets paid."

Beyond that yes I do.

These questions are just stupid...and a freaking insult, go ask some of the members here that spew out midi file covers what the hell they do who pays them and what gear they use.

Cause if someone checked my freaking DEMO work on the site and cant just respect me as a musician ( even if things are not their cup of tea )...I dont know what the mentality around this place is. One day ive got someone telling me ive got diverse musical tastes in relation to my DEMO tracks...then the next Ive got pointless questions that relate to nothing. I play tons of instruments then have people asking me if I can play/own an instrument thats built for nonmusicians ( on the extreme ) to be able to fake generic songs with.