I can see this forum is very Yamaha friendly!
Tom I agree with you 100%! I have tried the 9000pro and all the other Yamaha arranger KB's. What has been said about the 9000pro is true, no doubt about it, it has more features related to a "Workstation"
type of KB. Yamaha is a gazillion times bigger than Ketron. But for me, to sit down and "just" play one song after another and enjoy the HELL out of it, the SD1 is the ONE!!
You talk about styles!! I have more than I can use right now!! I purchased this thing to have fun playing and I do! Maybe it's my age but the "Natural" sounds and styles are in a different league than anything else I have ever owned year to date!
There certainly is more places to see, hear and purchase the Yamaha. This is not make it a better KB. I have said enough.