We have spent hours of time, and many words, and used up lots of bandwidth on this forum talking about 'STEREO' sound, and after listening to some really good live music recently I was thinking to myself -'how much 'stereo' do we hear in a live performance?' ... do we really hear sounds coming from the right or the left? I don't think so ...
Now before I go any further, I want to state loud and clear that I KNOW MY RIG SOUNDS BETTER WHEN I AM USING TWO SPEAKERS, FED THROUGH BOTH THE LEFT AND RIGHT OUTS OF MY KB ! ... and I am sure that my audiences would be able to hear the difference if I used only one speaker ... but 'STEREO' ?!? ... I don't think anyone sitting more then a few feet away from those speakers is hearing anything from the right or left - it is only a combined sound they hear ...
Unless you have certain voices panned totally left or right, - and even then at some point the sounds are combined, or one side of the audience is hearing something the other side is not ...
I think the stereo aspect is more for the player, than the audience ... and I repeat: I KNOW MY RIG SOUNDS BETTER WHEN I AM USING TWO SPEAKERS, FED THROUGH BOTH THE LEFT AND RIGHT OUTS OF MY KB ! but as for the audience hearing left/right stereo, I don't think so ...
JMHO ...
t. cool