This is not directed just at Diki by any means, but to ALL who responded AFTER Diki's comment about going to a MAC instead of a PC ...
SUGGESTIONS on this forum is what it is all about, and Lord knows, I have benefited by many of them (my new KORG Pa600 being a fine example) ...
BUT, I think there comes a time beyond the making of a suggestion and the posting of alternative views, when it just becomes a pissing match, and a contest to see who is going to have the last word ... between 30 - 35 posts after Diki's MAC suggestions were NOT about my PC problem, but about the pros and cons of PC vs MAC ... THAT is why I made my post above ...
IF I were in the market for a new computer system, and
IF I was willing to spend the extra $$$ then a MAC might be a consideration ...
BUT, I am a guy who worked for the same company for 40 years (and am now reaping the benefits in retirement), I will be married to the same woman for 50 years come November (she is destined for Sainthood

) , I have lived in only two houses since 1973, and had owned only 2 technics keyboards since 1992, until I bought the KORG in January ... so one might say I am not too prone to 'change' ...

HOWEVER, I do appreciate the suggestions and hope they keep coming, but the 'pissing matches' not so much ...