Originally posted by kla4:
Another problem: The mic preamp and too low output level compared to the keyboard levels. After adjusting the MIC gain (no distortion) its volume cannot be set high enough, so the keyboard level faders need to be lowered to 80-90.... pretty annoying.
Unfortunately the 'two step' adjustment (both mic input and preamp output) was modified to a one-step configuration.... bad choise, unless an OS update can raise the mic preamp level with 10-15 dB's
Correction: The mic level can be raised with the help of the build-in Compressors and the problem is no problem anymore
Hi Roel

A nice relief to learn that the mic output level's no longer a problem.
Originally posted by kla4:
Did you order the T4?
Almost, but not quite yet. Though my old Tyros2 continues to deliver the goods 4 my music performance needs, I also realize it's time to seriously consider upgrade options. Having finally played it, I believe Yamaha's finally got it together live sound wise, especially drums & overall balance, but I first need to wait until Chony's problem is addressed & corrected by Yamaha Japan, because the style edit/save function is as important to me as Chony. The other thing that's keeping me on the sideline are the 'substantiated' rumors flying around that Korg's releasing a new TOTL arr soon. That could be a killer keyboard especially if it incorporates karma and/or M3 features.
Roel, are you still working with Wietse? It would be a treat to hear a song with you two recorded on your new Tyros4. Wishing you many musically productive years with T4! - Scott