Hi spalding
no james thats not playing fair. Noone said that the liontracks cant play back a sequence.
They did, and the comments even went as far as saying that why has nobody in X amount of year ever been able to upload any thing worth a damn.
I think with the work I've done on the keyboard many people have seen a lot of what they wanted to see and because of that it seems now that the focus has shifted from the questionably abilities of the entire keyboard down to one single function now.
The Arranger.!!!
You got to admit that's some achievement considering how wild these sort of conversations were
I dont care if after a few hours you can route the various sounds from any provider into your sequenced tracks. I want to know what happens when you change those sounds using different providers live in arranger play because thats what we would be using the instrument for and i cant take hours to do that in a live performance or minutes.
I would have covered this though. The styles are recalled instantly. The only thing you can't do is go from one style to the next while Live Arranger is running. It will stop when you select the next style but you can instantly start playing again.
If your going to use something like Bandstand as your vsti, then obviously your going to have to wait for that to load it's sounds before you can start playing again.
This is why I have been saying that to get the most out of the keyboard and to keep everything seamless and super fast it's best that when you buy a premium library you want to use with the keyboard, dump it in exchange for the sound in the GM bank. All this data is preloaded to memory when the keyboard boots so there is zero load times when selecting sounds.
The GM bank is great, but adding your premium content to it is certainly the way to go and blow far pass closed arrangers. Right now as an arranger it's just going to sound like a Tyros 2 with a few enhancments.
Nothing wrong with that either though. The T2 is a good bread and butter machine.
It is of limited benefit to demo the strengths of the mediastion as a workstation to a community of arranger players and i dont mean that disrespectfully. Noone as far as i know has challenged the mediastation on its credibility as a workstation although i know from your posts that you have experienced frustrations with the instruments re3liability even for your own intended use as a workstation/VST playback system.
I'm sorry that you don't feel like you are getting to see the key functions that are of direct interest to you, but please understand that I'm not just farting around with the keyboard here in my Studio. I am getting it ready to bring on the road with me as my only keyboard when gigging. Sequencing up my backing tracks takes up all my free time lately.
I should also point out that the video's are being posted on Workstation forums. So while you might not be seeing what you personally want, the vast majority of people are.
Don't forget either, an arranger is nothing without sounds so everything you have seen so far should be of great importance to you.
You have come this far with your demos for Dom without renumeration. wouldnt shutting Diki up with a kick ass arranger demo proving the superiority of the MS as an arranger be payment enough ?
lol.... is that even possible. Diki is certainly whistling a different tune now and everyone's focus is on the one remaining feature that hasn't been demoed to a level that exceeds closed keyboards.
It's bloody tempting for sure but seriously though, I've only got the demo version of Live Arranger and to spend 170 euro on something I'm not likely to get much use out of is a bit much. Not to mention the time it takes.
The thing is if you wont do it then the MS as an arranger is doomed because over the last 6-7 years the challenge has gone out and the answer from Dom the developer and manufacturer and the other MS owners has been honestly disappointing to say the least. its clear he niether has the technical ability notwithsatnding all his constant techno babble boasts nor the resources to hire someone to do it. You are the best opportunity to settle this 7 year debate and if you genuinley believe the MS can do all that it boasts it can in the arranger department then my personal opinion is that you should . You have the PA1X and its at least 6 years old now. How hard can it be to best this ancient keybaord ?
Man... talk about putting me under pressure.

I'm not pulling the plug on my efforts and I will see what I can do, but again I don't know how far I'm going to get with a demo version of Live Arranger. All my free time has been spent on sequencing songs for my own use too with a few video's squeezed in here and there. So that's why there's not more video's online right now too.
I'm all for doing what I can but ultimately I'm just an end user. It's not my responsibility to be doing all this.