Sorry, but if that is the 'future', I'll stick to the past

Unconvincing drums, unconvincing organ, stiff style, c'mon... you aren't expecting anyone to take this seriously, are you? No wonder you gig with your Prelude..!
Look, I'm not going to keep repeating this... I was using VSTi's and computers while most of you bounced on your momma's knees (at least musically!). I am not the LEAST bit 'afraid' of VSTi's and computers. Use them every single week. Probably, truth be told, a LOT more than some of you so-called 'open' enthusiasts. Thing is, this experience is what makes my opinion that open ARRANGERS (there's a huge difference between a few good sounds, and a completely integrated instrument, with styles and sounds working together as one gestalt) aren't yet worth the bother is kind of frightening to YO)U, isn't it? I mean, c'mon guys! How much more of this terrible stuff we got to listen to from people that have somehow convinced themselves that THIS is acceptable...?
It isn't, not in my book. When as James points out "The Open Keyboard will likely be the savior of the Arranger in the distant future" that's all well and good. But we are talking about NOW. As in 'TODAY'... When it finally IS the savior of the arranger industry, let's revisit it. But this isn't where it stands now. Trust me, were an open arranger possible to put together without a gargantuan amount of work, I'd already have one. I've certainly got well over ten years of experience with VSTi's and computer systems to ease the job. But making a WHOLE soundset out of piecemeal components, and tweaking styles from a myriad of different sources (programmed for a myriad of different soundsets) is simply a task beyond most of us.
Look at conversions... they RARELY ever sound as good as the original style. Despite often being played on better arrangers than the original. Want to know WHY? Because, as any decent player will tell you, the sound IS the performance. You play each different sound differently. No two Rhodes' sound and respond identically. A good player adjusts his playing to the sound. A MIDI file that sounds great on one piano sample set often sounds just plain WRONG on another. Drums that make the most of the dynamics and sample switch points of one drumkit don't work on another where the dynamic curve and sample crossover points are different. The sound IS the performance...
This is why translations rarely sound even as good, let alone better than the original. And that's with a fully integrated, closed arranger soundset to work with. Now complicate things even further by having a VSTi soundset that is pieced together from a myriad sources AS WELL... You start to see what I'm getting at? There's a reason most of the MS style translations sound like poo... Because ALL translations sound like poo. Problem is, on the MS, that's all you've GOT. The ROM styles and sounds are amateurish at best, so translations is your only game.
Until Lionstracs simply do what is necessary, and actually hire some SERIOUSLY skilled style programmers and provide them, with a preset set of sounds to work on that are at the top of their game, not freeware and shareware amateur efforts, they are going to compare poorly to closed arrangers, period. As has been pointed out, Yamaha, Ketron, Korg etc. spend a FORTUNE getting these made. And THAT is why they sound so good. But sorry guys. I haven't heard ONE single home made style from anyone on this forum EVER that blew me away. NOT ONE. And those were made for already well integrated soundsets.
As I have always said, were this forum a hotbed of great style creators, talented soundset creators, I honestly think the open arranger would have a future. But when the few that actually DO have the balls to post any music they've done on the MS miss the mark so widely and the rest just talk, talk, talk (basically proving that they HAVEN'T made anything that honestly makes a closed arranger look silly), what is one to expect..?
I'm sorry, but my 'fear' of the open arranger (if you want to call my skepticism that) doesn't come from LESS knowledge than you protagonists. It comes from MORE knowledge, I regret...
After watching five YEARS of MS fanboys fail to come up with a serious challenge to a good closed arranger, I am seriously worried about THEIR mental health. Surely denying all the facts for such a long time can't be any good for anyone's psyche...

The Emperor STILL hasn't got any clothes, has never HAD any clothes, and no-one in their right minds is going to walk around naked (musically, at least!) while the future takes its' own sweet time getting here.