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#278414 - 12/30/09 10:26 AM My Mamma told better shop around
cgiles Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Those raised on German Folk music may not recognize the lyrics from this old Motown chestnut by Smokey Robinson and Berry Gordy. Doesn't matter. The point is......

Before you shell out those hard earned bucks (in some cases), make sure you're getting the most for your music dollars. Case in point.....I've been laying back waiting/hoping for the price of the Alesis DM-10 drum kit to come down a bit. It really hasn't. It started out at $1499.99 and has stayed there with all the major chains. However, after surfing the net almost daily looking for a better price, I found an ebay seller selling brand spanking new (w/factory waranty) ones for $1199.99 and included free shipping. That's a saving of 300.00 (ok, so you can count). After checking him out as thoroughly as it's possible to check out an ebay seller, I ordered one. I just got the tracking info and it will be arriving Monday. If everything is as advertised, I'll use the savings to buy a quality throne and kick pedal and a dozen pr. of sticks. Heck, I may have enough left over to afford one lesson . I'll get my drummer to come over and help me get it set up (although he hates electronic kits). Never had much interest in drums before; always found them rather annoying, really.....except on those nights when everything is 'in the pocket'.

Happy holidays everyone, and remember, shop wisely (if you've got anything left after the holidays ).

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]

#278415 - 12/30/09 02:23 PM Re: My Mamma told better shop around
GlennT Offline
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Registered: 12/01/02
Posts: 1790
Loc: Medina, OH, USA
Good for you Chas... have fun!


#278416 - 12/30/09 02:49 PM Re: My Mamma told better shop around
Taike Offline
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Registered: 03/28/02
Posts: 2814
Loc: Xingyi, Guizhou (China)
Your wife will go through 300 dollars worth of earplugs in no time at all, Chas.

Oh, one simple trick to keep hitting the right pads: give them names of your least favorite people.

Have fun!



Bo pen nyang.
最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。

#278417 - 12/30/09 02:50 PM Re: My Mamma told better shop around
Diki Online   content

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14212
Loc: NW Florida
Have fun, chas...

Once it is set up, I'd love to hear yours and your drummer's opinion of it. Still using a vintage D4 for my trigger conversion (but have long moved past the internal sounds!) with my Hart kit, but 'if it ain't broke'...

Best use I ever found for my eDrum kit was when faced with putting backing tracks together in a hurry for a non-drummer band. Normally, even with an arranger, it takes at least a week to put together four sets of quality drum tracks by programming them, but when faced with a sudden two day deadline one time, I put four sets together in one day flat by hiring in a good drummer friend and playing the tunes live with the rest of the group. Presto! Instant 'live feel' drums that I could STILL go back and edit all I wanted, and sad to say, STILL better than any arranger drum track due to the lack of mindless repetition of groove and fills

I hope this new kit gives you some good ideas... (maybe replacing a Korg style's drum track with patterns made from the real drummer might be cool?) and look forward to hearing something made on it.

Happy New Year.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#278418 - 12/30/09 04:31 PM Re: My Mamma told better shop around
rikkisbears Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6020
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Chas,
congratulations. Enjoy the new toy. Great when you can pick up something you want at a discounted rate.

I was incredibly lucky recently. I became interested in a V machine after a discussion with Irish Acts.
Couldn't beleive my luck. A secondhand one was going on Ebay for less than half price & only a few weeks old. Turns out the seller was a friend of my ex boss's son.
Made me feel a bit safer purchasing second hand.

I would have thought twice about purchasing , if I'd had to pay full price.

Definately agre it's worth shopping around.

best wishes

[QUOTE]Originally posted by cgiles:
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022


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