Thanks for the reply. Yes it does. I'm well aware that I can do that and already have done so using an external sequencer . The individual track and note data is sent out to an external sequencer via this method. What I cannot do that I want to be able to do is to make the smf from the Internal sequencer. That you cannot do ( with the arrangement pieces ). In other words , unlike the PSRs, the MZ does not write the specific notes used in an arrangement to an internal midi track. Therefore, you cannot alter any of the previously recorded individual note data from each track of the arrangement. Only what you play over and above the arrangement data ( melodies, harmonies, leads etc ) will be saved in true midi fashion ( etc ) using the internal sequencer. Even if it did send the midi data thru internal channels, the internal sequencer does not have multitrack recording capabilities. Thankfully, My xg works 3 software does. But of course the Mz is not an xg board, so in the GM conversion process, after I do my note editing and return the sequence to the MZ via disk, the voices and parameters are incorrect, and I have to readjust the parameters of the entire sequence. It's very doable, but is a waste of a couple of steps and valuable time. In spite of this, overall I still prefer many things about this board compared to my 740. For building user patterns it is excellent, and the song to pattern function is great as well. Even the internal styles are growing on me.
Al M