The MZ-2000 won't take your accomp creations and save them as midi files either GRRRRRRRR
. I like this board but this has to be the dumbest thing going. They did so well with all of the sequencer editing capabilities and then .. they dropped the ball. Unlike the 740 and all of the other Yamaha arrangers, when you use an internal style on the MZ to record a "sequence" on it's internal sequencer, the arrangement parts that are playing do not send note data to the internal sequencer. The only data that does get sent is the actual chord changes and pattern changes that you record in real time ( and can modify in steps as well ). Of course anything you play over and above is sequenced and stored in the normal way. That means you cannot modify any of the note data produced by the auto accomp. Not only that, but you can't put the "note" data on a disk either and modify it in an external sequencer. The only thing that goes out onto the disk it whatever you played over and above the autoaccomp.. Thanks Casio...Oh sure I save a LOT of space in the internal memory, but who cares.. That's why there is a disk drive ... You have to send the auto accomp data while its actually playing out to an external seq in real time. Then, when I send any edited data back to the MZ, the settings are all different and I have to adjust the entire mixer and voices again.. It works I guess and I can still record the styles as SMFs by recording the proper amount of bars in each part. There is one other way though to get the styles out of the board. You can save the style INFO ( notes and all ) onto a disk and the MZ allows you to save it as a Casio style ( which at this time anyway is useless ) or as a Roland or Technics style. someone with something like EMC styleworks can then easily convert from Roland or Tecnics to a Yamaha style.
Al M

[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 02-09-2001).]