I think you will be very happy with the Carvin. I own an older version (black cover, no effects chips). I also have the green cabinet you are thinking about. It was shipped to me in error and it looked so cool I just kept it.(It's still in the box.

I've had my three channel "one piece wonder" for about 6 years. It's great for up to 200 people. I use it for my MS60, a Godin nylon string and a vocal mike. The only downside is
there are no RCA in's, which I need for a CD player for breaks. I now use a small 200 watt
six channel Carvin head and two Carvin 12" cabinets. The head is small and light and only $299.00. If it is damaged beyond repair (that's happened twice outside), I throw it away and buy another one.

Good luck with Carvin. My first purchase from them was a doubleneck 6 and 12 in 1962.
