It's been 20 years now since I gave it up but like most of you guys I tried once or twice before I stuck at it.

I was then selling musical instruments during the day and playing out in the evening and getting through two packs a day (smoking most but giving away plenty). They didn't seem to cost that much then so that wasn't a major factor.

No - What really did it for me was my little girl coming home from junior school in tears. She had been shown an anti-smoking film and had seen someone's lungs full of tar and old that this person had died from smoking cigarettes.

At first I was mad at the school for scaring her but the deed had been done and my daughter nagged me to stop smoking. I only had to remember her face that day she came home and that really helped me kick the habit into touch,

The ironic thing is that the same daughter later began to smoke when she left college and has only just given up about a month ago despite me reminding her about the film....

Kids...... Aaaaaaarrrrggg..... But she did me big favour I'm sure and I really hope she has kicked it herself now.

The best method? - Dunno! - But get your pal to do it.
