Growing up in the Philly, South Jersey area where the "Original Bandstand" was broadcast(I'm talking pre-Dick Clark - anybody remember Bob Horn?)the R&R movement was definately an explosion.

Back then drive-in movies were the rage and some would feature R&R shows which were performed on the roof of the concession stand. Jerry Blavitt (the Geeter with the Heater) hosted many of these in the S. Jersey area.

A lot of the early R&R groups performed this way. Among the many performers I remember seeing were the Shirelles. Strange, but one of the things I remember most was their sparkly dresses which looked very cool from a distance. But as you moved closer you could see that they were fairly rag-tag from being worn night after night.

A few years ago I met Martha of Martha and the Vandellas on a cruise ship. We talked about those days and how so many of those early groups paid their dues flying around the country performing on rooftops, in parking lots, in movie houses and on tv.

Despite their busy schedules, most did not make a great deal of money. Unfortunately many were cheated by managers and record companies. Others went on to lasting fame and fortune.
