Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
When all this started a few years ago, the twins were really appreciative. (sp?)
Many zone members chipped in and we bought a bunch of accesories to go along with the kb that George Kaye helped convince Yamaha to donate to this famlily, who was in a time of financial crisis.
We did this on our own - the kids never asked for anything, and they were dripping with words of thanx for long after the gift was given.
They changed their tune afer a while though, and that's what really soured me. I don't regret getting involved in it, because it was still a nice thing to do, and it made us ALL feel pretty good to help out. I just hate thinking that we created a "greedy" monster.
I'm trying to look at it with some separation, and just hope that maybe these kids will remember it in later years, and pass on the gesture to someone else in need.

The outpouring from zone members was AWESOME. I recieved gear, money, and offers to help in many ways..... all of which were packaged up and sent to the twins. The effort was very, very charitable and the members that participated all came together as one to help a (2)brother(s) out.
We never looked for repayment, but I sure never expected a request for a new car!

Well Dave, How did you expect them to haul all that gear and money around without a car. C'mon now, the least you could have done was give them a new car so they could go out and make a living with all that new gear. Just think they might have even hired you when they got rich and famous
to drive their Limo, fly their airplane, captain their yacht. Say, they weren't from Tupelo, Mississippi were they
Oh well, at this age we all live and sometimes even learn but it sure is hard on the next fellow that comes along
Best to all