Ok rascal. I just read that smart *ss statment of yours above and I hope that you knew you were getting into somethin wehn ya said it.

I figure that you were one of those candy *sses just sittin back and reading the post when me and dee-lo was going at it.

you must fe a freekin looser to do that. I don't know what your talkin about the djx is not a toy. It does a better job than 99% of most other people crap.

Sh*t I just made 2 beat Cds with my Djx and everybody thinks that I made the beats in a studio. Rascal its not allways what you got that makes a good beat it who's behind the intrament.

and who ever above who said that the liked my beats more than Dee-los thanks for your 2 cents. and yes I did inprove the sound quality by 5000%. My beats sound crystal clear [well not crystal, but D*mm good] now that I used the line in on the computer and ran it threw some synths and all that good stuff.. after all that I burnt them and but em on a cd. I made 2 cds so far. Im takin a break befor my third one.

the Djx is all good. Name somethin that the DJX can't do that any other jabroni keyboard can. THey might have more instraments.........but who cares DJx gots 284, and if you can't chooes from that, your either slow or picky... yes and the other keyboards might have more sapling time.....but who cares. your not actually sampling some one singing on the song. all you need is a few words.. some times I got sapling space left over.

The DJX is good for people who know what they are doing, for people who actually know how to play music and make beats. but people like Rascal who just wants to loop somethin and put 1000 sound effects and hook up a billion dollar drum machine they would know Sh*t whne they sit behind the DJX becuase he would have to actually play msuic [ somethin he probably can't do