I own a Bose Compact L1 and there are many good reasons that would support owning one. The first is the weight, you can carry the speakers and woofer/Amplifier with very little effort, one n each hand. I would guess the speakers are about 16 pounds and the woofer/amplifier about 24 pounds. I do not do playing jobs away from my home any longer but if I did it would take two trips from my car to the place I was playing – and the set up would take a fraction of the time it did with my JBL 10s, making life much sweeter.

The second reason is the clarity. The third is that it is hard to distort at high volumes. And this one is fantastic, the volume is almost the same when standing in the back of a room or four feet away. The people in front of you no longer need abused. (Volume)

One negative, is that some feel the Mids are weak.

IMHO, John C.